Seshat - Biblioteca de TCC's, Teses e Dissertações


A teoria da perda de uma chance na responsabilidade civil médica: a prova civil e o convencimento judicial

Mestrado em Direito Processual e Cidadania
Autor: Lais Silva Zimiani
Orientador: Fábio Caldas de Araújo
Defendido em: 31/05/2022


A possibilidade de aplicação da teoria da perda de uma chance de cura ou sobrevivência tem sido tema recorrente nos processos em que se discute a responsabilidade civil médica. A compreensão de suas origens e a evolução da temática no direito pátrio torna-se indispensável para que o direito fundamental à tutela jurisdicional justa seja alcançada por meio do processo civil. O método dedutivo foi utilizado, a partir da conceituação e da identificação de elementos gerais do direito material, consubstanciado na responsabilidade civil médica e na teoria da perda de uma chance de cura ou sobrevivência, para análise de sua aplicação no âmbito do direito processual, especialmente, na condução do processo pelo juiz. Para aplicação da teoria na área médica, o Superior Tribunal de Justiça estabeleceu critérios pontuais, razão pela qual deve ser objeto de ampla e específica produção probatória, reduzindo-se o máximo das presunções. A análise casuística demonstra que nem sempre existe pedido na petição inicial sobre eventual chance perdida e a defesa não tem a oportunidade de produzir prova específica sobre a questão, o que possibilita a prolatação de decisão surpresa, mantida pelos tribunais brasileiros sob o argumento do exercício dos aforismos iura novit curia e da mihi factum, dabo tibi ius. Apesar de mantidos no sistema jurídico, os aforismos devem ser precedidos pelo contraditório substancial e norteados pela colaboração processual, a fim de garantir a participação e o direito de influência das partes no processo. Diante da complexidade do tema, para a redução dos riscos na tomada de decisão do juiz, é possível a utilização de standards probatórios e, para a consecução dos princípios constitucionais e processuais informadores do processo civil, é de observância obrigatória o dever de esclarecimento em harmonia com o dever de fundamentação da decisão judicial como ferramenta efetiva para a vedação da surpresa e para a garantia de um processo justo. A pesquisa foi pautada pelo método dedutivo mediante revisão bibliográfica, assim como pela análise legislativa e jurisprudencial.


Teoria da perda de uma chance. Responsabilidade Civil Médica. Provas. Convicção Judicial. Dever de Esclarecimento.


The theory of loss of a chance in medical civil liability: civil proof and judicial conviction


The possibility of applying the theory of loss of a chance of cure or survival has been a recurring theme in lawsuits in which medical civil liability is discussed. The understanding of its origins and the evolution of the theme in Brazilian law becomes indispensable so that the fundamental right to fair jurisdictional protection is achieved through the civil process. The deductive method was used, starting from the conceptualization and the identification of general elements of material law, embodied in the medical civil responsibility and the theory of the loss of a chance of cure or survival, for the analysis of its application in the field of procedural law, especially in the conduction of the process by the judge. For the application of the theory in the medical field, the Superior Court of Justice has established specific criteria, for which reason it must be subject to a broad and specific production of evidence, reducing presumptions to a minimum. The case-by-case analysis shows that there is not always a request in the initial petition about a lost chance and the defense does not have the opportunity to produce specific evidence on the issue, which allows the rendering of a surprise decision, maintained by the Brazilian courts under the argument of the exercise of the aphorisms iura novit curia and da mihi factum, dabo tibi ius. Although maintained in the legal system, the aphorisms must be preceded by substantial contradictory and guided by procedural collaboration, in order to ensure the participation and the right to influence the subjects in the process. In view of the complexity of the theme, in order to reduce the risks in the judge's decision making, it is possible to use evidential standards and, for the achievement of the constitutional and procedural principles that inform the civil process, the duty of clarification in harmony with the duty of fundamentation of the judicial decision as an effective tool for the prohibition of surprise and for the guarantee of a fair process is mandatory. The research was based on the deductive method through a bibliographic review, as well as legislative and case law analysis. The possibility of applying the theory of loss of a chance of cure or survival has been a recurring theme in lawsuits in which medical civil liability is discussed. The understanding of its origins and the evolution of the theme in Brazilian law becomes indispensable so that the fundamental right to fair jurisdictional protection is achieved through the civil process. The deductive method was used, starting from the conceptualization and the identification of general elements of material law, embodied in the medical civil responsibility and the theory of the loss of a chance of cure or survival, for the analysis of its application in the field of procedural law, especially in the conduction of the process by the judge. For the application of the theory in the medical field, the Superior Court of Justice has established specific criteria, for which reason it must be subject to a broad and specific production of evidence, reducing presumptions to a minimum. The case-by-case analysis shows that there is not always a request in the initial petition about a lost chance and the defense does not have the opportunity to produce specific evidence on the issue, which allows the rendering of a surprise decision, maintained by the Brazilian courts under the argument of the exercise of the aphorisms iura novit curia and da mihi factum, dabo tibi ius. Although maintained in the legal system, the aphorisms must be preceded by substantial contradictory and guided by procedural collaboration, in order to ensure the participation and the right to influence the subjects in the process. In view of the complexity of the theme, in order to reduce the risks in the judge's decision making, it is possible to use evidential standards and, for the achievement of the constitutional and procedural principles that inform the civil process, the duty of clarification in harmony with the duty of fundamentation of the judicial decision as an effective tool for the prohibition of surprise and for the guarantee of a fair process is mandatory. The research was based on the deductive method through a bibliographic review, as well as legislative and case law analysis.


Loss of a chance theory. Medical Civil Liability. Civil Proof. Judicial Conviction. Duty of Clarification.

